
There'snochangingapermanentlybannedaccounttoonethey'llreinstate....thensupportjustsaysorrycanthelp,endofconversation,andtheyignoreme.,YouTubemaysuspendaccounts,temporarilyorpermanently,fromtheirsocialnetworkingservice.Suspensionsofhigh-profileindividualsfromYouTubeare ...,WhileEuropeanUnionCommissionisworkingonaEU-wideemergencybanandapermanentbanonsoftPVCteethingtoysforchildrenunder3yearsofage...

Ebay account permanently banned

There's no changing a permanently banned account to one they'll reinstate. ... then support just say sorry cant help, end of conversation, and they ignore me.

YouTube suspensions

YouTube may suspend accounts, temporarily or permanently, from their social networking service. Suspensions of high-profile individuals from YouTube are ...

Greenpeace protests sale of PVC toys at "Toys R Us ...

While European Union Commission is working on a EU-wide emergency ban and a permanent ban on soft PVC teething toys for children under 3 years of age, the Hong ...

Hong Kong Toy & Games Fair Keynote Address

I am pleased to report that the state of toy safety is strong—it is strong thanks in large part to the actions of many of you in this room today. 2011 ...

Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department

Hong Kong Customs inspection finds Halloween toys with excessive plasticiser (with ... Commissioner: HK Customs always committed to rooting out copyright pirates.

Here Is Every Book Banned in America

2023年9月11日 — Through the courageous work of PEN America, here is a scrollable, shoppable list of every book currently banned in the United States.

75% of Organizations Worldwide Set to Ban ChatGPT and ...

2023年8月8日 — 61% of those deploying or considering bans said the measures are intended as long term or permanent, with risks to data security, privacy, and ...

Does Reddit ban people for no reason?

2019年4月15日 — So, they permanently banned both accounts because they said I was ... This is especially true if you're talking about politics or social issues.


2019年10月15日 — This doesn't confirm the instant permanent ban, but definitely confirms they don't want players to talk about the HK situation. https://www.